We have brought basic literacy to over 3000 children since the time we began.
Most of the children have been streamlined into regular schools and with continuous counseling, parents have been willing to let them continue their education and have refrained from making them taking up odd jobs.

The afternoon shift of four hours cater to the children who have been enrolled in the recognized schools in the neighborhood. This is made necessary because the standard of education being imparted in these local schools leave much to be desired.
We have en-devoured to make our activities as encompassing and holistic as possible . We combine basic education with inculcation of values, confidence building, general awareness and entertainment.

Exposure to the outside world is given whenever possible, with the co-operation of well-wishers.

Most importantly, we ensure that they are in an atmosphere where they are loved and feel secure.
We have been coaching students studying in the Vth standard for appearing in the Entrance exams for admission to the Jawahar Navodaya Vidhyalayas. So far, thirteen of our students have been successful in qualifying for such admission.

Nutritional supplements in the form of milk, bananas and “sattu”( a drink made from roasted gram and jaggery/sugar) are provided on a regular basis.
Tailoring classes, computer literacy, art and craft classes, theatre, activities aimed at social awareness, all form part of this project.