Many, many warm-hearted persons have joined us, on an individual basis or as part of an organisation , holding hands and calling out to other friends and acquiantances to join our journey in taking Saksham forward.

Those who came to the school and interacted with the children and were convinced about the sincerity of this attempt at reaching out and the effectiveness of such a model, have continued with their unstinting support.

Young volunteers have gone back and spoken about these children , urging others to visit the school.

Sometimes , circumstances may be such that you may not be able to participate even when your heart has already joined the cause. Do not let that stop you from persuading others to pitch in. You never know what you may be initiating with just a mention of what you have learnt about the Saksham kids.
Like our Facebook page and keep yourself updated about the latest goings-on in the school. Invite your friends to visit and like the page.